Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Five Years Cancer Free

2011 Skagit Tulip Festival

On August 14th I had my 13th clean MRI in five years. That day also marked my last appointment and end of my patienthood at Seattle Children's Hospital. It's kind of a funny feeling, like being cut loose from the mothership or something. It feels very similar to when I finished treatment and was no longer going to the hospital for weekly visits. It's kind of like the end of an era or something, the close of a chapter in my life's story.

As I have been walking through the past to tell this story it's almost like I'm writing about a different person, a separate version of myself. I am who I am now because of that person and the experiences I had then. My hopes and dreams and what's important to me now were all shaped by my experiences then.

Throughout high school I would always say "last year" when I was talking about anything from when I was sick.  Since I went away to college that time seems so far away. The new place and separation, I think, allowed me to put it behind me. I may have moved forward, but will always carry with me my experience. It  is what inspires me to want to help others in similar situations. That is why I love working at Camp Korey and with the Sunshine Kids and why I want to become a child life specialist.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. I am glad that I took the time to go through the past and write down my memories because they have already started to blur and fade.

I want to end by sharing with you a poem I wrote while I was on treatment. I have done a lot of writing about cancer starting with my This I Believe essay, then my CaringBridge entries and blog posts as well as many scholarship essays, but this piece has always been my favorite.

Give & Take   

I was the girl with the Curly Hair
Until cancer took it away
Leaving me to Figure out
Who I Truly am

cancer ripped me from my “normal life”
But showed me who  my True Friends are
And introduced me to some New ones too

cancer can give me bad days
But it will Never make me bitter

cancer stuck its big ugly label on me
But I covered it with a Smile

cancer took a year of my life
But it gave me a greater Appreciation for the rest of it

cancer left me weak
But gave me the Strength
to find the Courage
I didn’t know I had

Thank you again for taking this journey with me.

Mischief Managed,


Monday, September 29, 2014

I Am Not a Cancer Champion, I Am a Cancer Survivor

I spoke at a fundraiser for cancer research earlier this year and the other survivors and I that spoke were called “cancer champions.” I felt uncomfortable with this term. I had certainly survived cancer and overcome cancer but I never felt like a “champion.”  To me, in order to be a champion there needs to be a competition. Since my cancer, like anyone’s cancer, was made of my own cells, it seems strange to think of myself as a champion in a competition against my own body. This term also made me feel like the most important thing about me was that I had “won” against cancer.

This title reminded of other ways that as a cancer patient I felt idealized or simplified as a person because of my disease; times that my diseased status was put ahead of anything else about me. I know that when someone has cancer or a severe illness it can be hard to know what to say and I do appreciate that people were trying to be supportive, but there are a few things that began to grate on my nerves as a patient.

Something people often say when talking to or about children with cancer is, “You are so brave/ a hero.”
I have mixed feelings about this one. I understand the sentiment and truly appreciate the support. However, these statements always made me feel awkward because I never really felt brave and I definitely wasn’t a hero. I was doing what I had to do to survive. To me this was not an extraordinary choice. It was extraordinary situation, but it was an ordinary choice. I chose to survive; I chose to live.Statements like, “you’re so brave” can make it seem like people with disease never have bad days and that they’re always “heroic,” “strong,” and “positive.” That’s how I felt anyway and it felt very disingenuous.  On my CaringBridge I tried to keep my posts positive. I didn’t want anyone to feel bad for me. If it was a bad day, I didn’t write or I asked my mom to write an update, but I had bad days, plenty of them, and sometimes when things got bad I asked, “why me?” I often felt bad, like I was misleading people or something. (Esther talks about this in the video I included in my blog about her) I was not a heroic pillar of strength and bravery all the time.

Another thing many people said was something along the lines of, “I would never be able to… do treatment… drive to Seattle every day… do what you are doing.”
The only reason I was doing any of that was because if I didn’t I would die. This is typically the choice when it comes to pursuing treatment – do it (despite the horrible side effects) for the chance to live, or don’t do it and possibly die. I know this may sound melodramatic and morbid, but it is a life or death situation. You have to do what you have to do to survive. So, everyone, please give yourself some credit, you probably could do what I did. If you were in my shoes, you would likely do whatever you had to do to survive too.

Also, when I was sick many people changed the way they talked to me. The best way to explain it is to say that people talked to me like a sick person. I was treated with great care as if I was very fragile and would break.  It seemed like people would only see my illness and not see the whole complex person underneath. To me this was exemplified by the change in the way some people greeted me. Instead of saying Hi, how are you?” people would say “Hi, how are you feeling?”
This seems like such a little thing, but it was big to me. I know people were concerned about me and wanted to see if I was doing okay. But, it made me feel like my illness was the only important thing about me to other people. It made me feel somehow reduced and separated from others. This is how you talk to the sick girl and this is how you talk to the normal people, so to speak. Also, I just wanted to talk about something besides my illness all the time.

All of these things built up over time and I appreciate that people were trying to be supportive.  I guess it felt like I was being masked by my illness. Like the cancer girl was all many others saw. To me my cancer status was not the only or most interesting thing about me.

I don’t mean any of this to sound harsh or that I am blaming anyone.  Because of my experience I have worked hard to see people with illnesses and disabilities as whole people and to look past what can be seen on the surface. It is my hope that by sharing my experience I can encourage others to do the same.

Mischief Managed,

Sunday, September 28, 2014


The Run of Hope was today and it was a great event! The preliminary total funds raised for pediatric brain cancer research at Seattle Children's is $360,000 and they are still not done counting!!! Thank you to everyone who supported my team, Sammy's Blobslayers by donating or participating in the event. As a team we raised $2,530!!!

2014 Sammy's Blobslayers 
Bellingham, Washington is situated on the shores of Bellingham Bay at the base of Mount Baker; so far north it's almost Canada. Western Washington University resides in Sehome Arboretum overlooking the bay. It is such a beautiful place to live and learn.

Old Main Through the Trees
I absolutely love being at college! I feel like my eyes are open and seeing the world I was blind to before. I have had many incredible and eye-opening classes as well as many amazing professors. I'm looking forward to the next two years as I will be taking all upper division courses from my majors (psychology and sociology). One of the greatest things about college for me is the independence. When I was on and recovering from treatment one of my biggest worries was that I would always be dependent on others. Living in Bellingham for the past two years has shown me that that will definitely not be the case.

I love the city of Bellingham so much! It is the only place I've ever lived where I feel a sense of community. It appeals to my "hippie" nature with its focus on reducing environmental impact as well as promoting small local businesses. I have many favorite places in Bellingham and I thought I'd share here with you guys.

Mallard ice cream – all their ice cream is homemade and it’s my belief that Mallards is home to the best peppermint ice cream ever.
La Fiamma pizza – potato pesto pizza, you gotta try it!
Boomer' s drive-in – waffle fries and awesome shakes. Much better drive-in than Dick's (sorry Seattleites, but it’s true)

Avelino Coffee – makes their own caramel = best caramel mocha I've ever had
Woods coffee – peppermint bark mocha = best holiday coffee drink (yes it's better than Starbucks)

Michael's Books – great used bookstore for those who love old book smell (I got to see a first edition copy of To Kill a Mockingbird last week, which was incredible)
View from the boardwalk
Village Books – awesome local bookstore

Boulevard Park/Taylor Dock – a beautiful boardwalk by the bay overlooking the ocean and
mountains. The most incredible view at sunset on a clear spring or summer evening.

Bellingham Farmer's Market – a very fun Saturday outing

#1 Favorite Place:
Pickford Film Center – A local art house movie theater staffed primarily by volunteers. They show independent movies, documentaries and foreign films, in other words movies you wouldn't see anywhere else. Because I love movies so much, I've always wanted to work at a movie theater. Now I do. For at least two hours a week I volunteer at the Pickford Film Center selling tickets and concessions. It is so fun to work with such great people who love movies as much or more than I do. Plus I get a free movie pass every time I volunteer.

I can't believe college is halfway over already. It has been such a wonderful experience so far I've learned so much and I have made many new friends. I'm really looking forward to what the next year will bring.

Mischief managed,

P.S.I moved off campus to an apartment this year, which is very exciting. If you would like my new address please send me an e-mail.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

What Now?

The Run of Hope is TOMORROW!!! That means it's you last chance to donate to support Pediatric Brain Cancer Research!

Before I was diagnosed I didn't really know what I wanted to do in the future. I would usually say I wanted to be an aerospace engineer because that's what I decided on in middle school when I learned you can't just apply to NASA to be an astronaut (my life's dream starting around age 3). But, by high school I didn't really want to be an astronaut anymore; it was just something to say.

While I was in the hospital I was introduced to child life specialists, people who are specially trained to help children and families cope with hospitalization. I had never heard of the position before, but I quickly learned how important it is for patients. Child life specialists take care of the social and emotional side of the patient while the doctors and nurses handle the physical and medical side. This way the whole patient is taken care of.

I now know that this is what I want to do with my life. I want to be a child life specialist. I had an incredible team, including several child life specialists, who helped me through treatment and made a tremendous difference in my life. Now I want to work to give back and make a difference in the lives of future kids and their families.

The first step to become a child life specialist is to earn a bachelor's degree. I am now in my junior year at Western Washington University double majoring in psychology and sociology. After I earn my degree, I plan to earn a Master's degree in child life before taking the test to become a certified child life specialist.

Mischief Managed,

Friday, September 26, 2014

Senior Year - Class of 2012!

Senior Breakfast
Senior year was really incredible. After having surgery on my foot during the summer, foot and ankle pain was no longer a major limitation. I was able to do more and participate more. A full head of hair and fixed up feet will do a lot to make a girl feel like a "regular kid." I had great classes, teachers, and friends. I was able to participate in the many senior festivities.

In November I was very happy to be accepted to Western Washington University where I planned to study psychology.

Prom was the high point of the year. Although, I'm not a girly girl I have looked forward to prom for a long time – the fancy dress etc. I also wanted to have really long "mermaid hair" that I could put in an up-do. Through the magical talents of Tracy King along with some hair extensions, my up do dream came true. With an awesome blue dress and some bedazzled sneakers I was on my way to the prom of my dreams.

I asked my friend Michael to prom and we went with a group of friends. It was most definitely one of the greatest nights of my life. 
Prom Group
There is one moment, however, that stands above the rest in my return to school. On the last day of school at the senior assembly I was awarded one of the staff scholarships. As I walked to the podium the entire senior section stood and clapped and cheered. I was overwhelmed by the spontaneous display of support. While I had been disappointed by the lack of support from my peers since I returned to school, I was so happy that I got to see it in that moment. This care and support was also shown in the messages written in my senior yearbook. I actually had people asking me if they could sign my yearbook because they wanted me to know how much I inspired them.

Here is what my classmate Sara posted on my Facebook wall after the assembly:
You are an amazing young woman. As I watched you being presented with your award today I looked around the gym and saw the look on everyone's faces... truly incredible. To all that may know you or not, know the positive energy you give off. I feel so blessed to be a part of such a strong class. I can't wait to hear the speech you have prepared for graduation. You are remarkable and I couldn't thank you enough for such a great 4 years. Not only did you help me pass French but inspired me to never give up. You are a fighter. You did it Sammy. We all love you.

While school was a challenge at the beginning, it only went up from there and got better and better, culminating in an incredible end to my senior year.

I graduated on June 16, 2012 and was chosen by Jackson's staff to give one of the commencement speeches. I was also very fortunate that my Grammie and Grandpa and Aunt Katie were able to come to Washington for my graduation. I also shared my graduation with my friend Pattie and favorite teacher Mrs.Rodriguez.

Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $2,370

There are only TWO DAYS left to contribute to this year's Run of Hope supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research

Thank you for your support! Thank you for GOING GOLD!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

When I became a nerdfighter in 2008, I read John Green’s books Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines and loved both of them. I felt he had the best voice of teen characters that I had read in YA fiction. They were full and complex and flawed just like real teenagers. I followed him as he wrote and then released his very successful book Paper Towns and couldn't wait for his next book to be published.

Slowly small bits of information came out about the new book at around the same time that I was finishing treatment. First, that the narrator was a girl, which I thought was awesome. Then he let out that she was a 16-year-old girl with cancer. I couldn't contain my excitement. My favorite author was basically writing a book about me. I anxiously awaited the release and hung on every nugget of information he shared about the book in his videos. In January 2012, the middle of my senior year, the book was released and I devoured it in days. I would sneak it under my desk in class because I just couldn't put it down. I remember sitting in history class tearing up as Gus told Hazel that ... (spoilers).
In the book, Hazel says that Peter Van Houten (the fictional author of An Imperial Affliction), "Writes what it's like to be dying without having died himself." That is the very way I feel about John Green and The Fault in Our Stars. He captured so well the experience of being a teenager with cancer without being a teenager with cancer. Hazel, Gus, and Isaac’s experiences and feelings related to their disease completely validated my own thoughts and feelings. They made me feel less alone even though I read the book two and a half years after completing treatment. I wish that I had the book while I was on treatment and felt so alone. I wish I could have shared it with my friends to help them understand my experience.

What I think is most important about the characters in this story is that they are more than their disease. They are complex, multifaceted, flawed people living good lives while also having cancer.

Thank you John for your beautiful book!

Mischief Managed,


Because I have friends in the bookstore business I was fortunate enough to be able to meet John (and Hank) on the book tour for The Fault in Our Stars. Thanks, Jessica!

Run of Hope Total: $2,270

There is THREE DAYS left to contribute to this year's Run of Hope supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Back to School

I finished treatment at the beginning of August 2010 and was very excited to go back to school in September. If you know me, you know that I love school. It was really difficult to miss so much.

Back-to-school shopping is one of my favorite things and that year was no exception. I remember having a great time with mom and Megan at Target walking or being pushed (I can't remember) up and down the aisles immersed in the smell of a new paper, pencils, and crayons etc. It was a lovely day.

Although it was very exciting to be starting school again, there was some disappointment mixed in. Despite my school counselor Mrs. Williams’ assurances that I can graduate on time, I was convinced I'd have to stay an extra semester or year.

Decked out the walker for homecoming
When I started back at school I was bald, eyebrowless and needed a walker to make it through the hallways. It was tough just to get through the day at first. Many times I got home and crashed on the couch and into a nap.

While I was glad to be back, school was very different than I expected. I didn't know you could feel so lonely surrounded by 2,000 people. It was as if my walker created a force field around me that other people couldn't penetrate. It seemed as if people didn't see me. People I knew seemed to look right through me or barely acknowledge me even if I said "hi." I don't know if they just didn't know what to say or were scared for some reason. No matter the reason, it hurt. To feel invisible is a horrible thing and that is what I experienced. This taught me the importance of acknowledging others, saying “hi”, or a nod of acknowledgment can make a big difference in how someone feels about their self.

This is not to say that there was no one that acknowledged me and supported me. I had a wonderful group of friends and supporters.

One new friend in particular I couldn't have made it through high school without. While I was on
Brooke & Me on prom night
treatment, Brooke Hereth became friends with Megan, so we heard about each other a lot. We describe meeting in person like meeting a pen pal because it felt like we already knew each other. Brooke was incredibly supportive and remains one of my best friends. She's a great person to talk to and hang out with; she makes me laugh and is a kind and thoughtful friend. I think something that made her such an important friend was that she had not known me before I was sick, so she didn't have someone to compare to as "normal" Sammy. Thank you so much, Brooke for being such a great friend in high school and continuing to be one of my closest friends.

I was depressed and often felt overwhelmed by everything going on from the problems with my leg. to felling isolated, to fears about the future. I have to thank my incredible psychologist Christine for helping me maintain my sanity and figure things. She was another important member of my super-team that helped me get through this experience as well as I have.

One thing that made me feel alone was that in classes, people I knew, friends even, would walk into class, see me, say hi, and walk past. No one ever asked if they could sit by me, or if I wanted to sit by them. I felt like it was always me in my little corner by myself.

This changed senior year when a guy named Sean Hoon that I knew from math class the previous year walked in to AP Lit. There were plenty of empty seats, but when Sean walked into the room he asked if he and his friend Michael could sit by me. Of course, I said yes. It was great getting to know and becoming friends with Sean and Michael throughout the year. This is one of those memories of my experience during and recovering from cancer treatment that sticks out. It was such a small moment, but meant so much to me.

By the end of my first semester back at school, I was doing much better and didn't want to have to stay any extra time. So, I figured out that Mrs. Williams was right all along. I would be able to graduate on time; it would just take a little extra work. I did independent study with the theater teacher, waived PE with physical therapy, and took an English class online over the summer. The rest of my graduation requirements would be met during my senior year.

By the time I graduated, I amassed quite the support team of Jackson High School faculty and staff, including: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Rodriguez, Mr. Crosby, Mr. Simmons, Mme. Powell, Mme. Grindstaff, Mrs. Carbajal, Ms. Templora, Mr. Trueit, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Stolzenburg, Ms. Fritz, Mrs. Robertson, Ms. Peterson and Mrs. Moffat.

Mrs. Williams, Megan & Me
My JHS team at the 2011 Run of Hope
Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $2,170

There is only one week left to contribute to this year's Run of Hope supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Let the Sunshine In!

About halfway through my chemo treatments, sometime in May or June, Cory told me about the Sunshine Kids and that she wanted to put my name in for a trip to Orlando in October. Then, I had no idea the impact that this organization would have on my life.

The Sunshine Kids foundation is an organization that plans events and trips for kids and teens with cancer. They have regional events like going to sports games or plays as well as hospital parties for kids who are inpatient. They also have national trips each year for older kids. Several hospitals choose four patients each and about 40 to 50 kids attend each trip. Locations include Orlando, California, New York, Washington DC, New Orleans, and several others.

Wearing my Toy Story Mickey ears.
In October 2010 I attended the Florida Fun-N- Sun celebration in Orlando, FL. I had so much fun and it was wonderful to be surrounded by people who were experiencing similar things. I finally got my wish to connect with people like me. We all understood each other and medical speak made sense to all of us. It was incredible how quickly cancer disappeared and was replaced by having fun and making friends. The experience was also incredibly freeing as I realized that I could be independent and take care of myself. The trip greatly boosted my confidence and when I got back home I swapped my walker for a cane.

Several months later I received a phone call from the Sunshine Kids telling me that I had been chosen as the 2011 National Spokeskid. It was such an honor to be asked to represent the organization that had given me so much. As a spokeskid I represented the Sunshine Kids by speaking at fundraisers and volunteering at regional events. The first task of being a spokeskid was to attend Prudential Real Estate’s national convention. (Prudential is the Sunshine Kids’ biggest contributor and fundraiser.) That year the convention was in San Diego, California and my mom and brother Brandon came with me. That week was one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I spent the week with the 2010 and newly named 2011 spokeskids and their families. It was incredible how fast we bonded with each other. We started as strangers and departed as the best of friends. This trip again boosted my confidence in my abilities when I came home I stopped using my cane.

Me and Katie in San Diego
I became especially close to one of the other spokeskids, Katie Lynch. She had such a warm, sunny personality. She was the person I had been searching for while I was on treatment. Someone that I could connect with. For several months after the trip Katie and I traded text messages on a regular basis, talking about all sorts of things. Shockingly, on May 20, 2011 Katie passed away while recovering from a stem cell transplant. This is what I wrote about her that day: She was such a special girl. I only knew her for three months, but she has changed my life forever. During and post treatment I was searching for someone. Someone who knew what I had been through. Someone who felt what I felt. Someone who was like me. Someone I could talk to. Someone who really understood. Katie was that someone. She radiated her warmth and light all the way from Indianapolis to rainy Seattle. Though I am devastated by her death I know Katie is in a better place where words like "cancer" don't exist.”

Katie and the many other Sunshine Kids I have befriended over the years have made a huge impact in my life. Not only did I no longer feel so alone, I have also made many dear friends.

30 years of Sunshine Kids
The following year Mom and I attended the Prudential convention in Orlando to welcome the 2012 national spokeskids. This year was very special because it was the 30th anniversary of the Sunshine Kids foundation. To celebrate, 30 former Sunshine Kids were invited to the event. It was so incredible to see people who had families and careers, were living successful lives and had been cancer free for 10 or 20 years. It was also incredible to see the impact this amazing organization has had on so many people over the years.

In addition to national trips I have also participated in several local events. Since 2011, my mom and I have volunteered at the yearly regional Sunshine Kids event in Seattle. This past year we were asked to plan events on our own for the Seattle area several times a year. We are both very excited to be able to offer more fun events both in the hospital and out of the hospital for patients at Seattle Children's. So far we have planned two very successful hospital parties and are looking forward to more events in the future.

I can't begin to describe how important this organization and the people I have met are to me and the impact they have had on my life. I am so thankful to be a part of an organization that is doing such important and life-changing work.

Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $2,170

There is only one week left to contribute to this year's Run of Hope supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research

Monday, September 22, 2014

Someone Like Me

Through treatment and the isolation that came with it, I wanted to meet and get to know someone with a similar experience to me, but never did until I was introduced to Esther.

Since 2008, I have been a nerdfighter, (a follower of the vlogbrothers channel on YouTube). The brothers are John and Hank Green. (John is the author of The Fault in Our Stars and several other young adult novels.) In 2010 John was friends with a 16-year-old nerdfighter named Esther Earl who was a cancer patient. He talked about her in several videos and mentioned that she had a YouTube channel of her own.

I had, just days before, finished my final round of chemotherapy when Esther posted a video called "Nothing More Than Feelings," in which she described a lot of feelings related to her illness many of which I also felt. It was an incredibly validating experience watching Esther’s video.  She helped me see that I was not alone. Sadly, Esther passed away later that month. My connection to her remained because I could always go back to her videos. I never met her in person or got to know her, but Esther was my first connection on the bridge out of loneliness and isolation. 

Esther always wanted to be a published author and she finally became one in 2013 when a book of her collected journals and writings was published. It is called This Star Won't Go Out. Although I was three years out of treatment when I read it, Esther continued to show me that I wasn't alone.

The next thing that helped me feel less alone was my trip to Orlando with the Sunshine Kids, which I will write about in a future post.

Mischief Managed,

Esther's family started a foundation in her honor called This Star Won't Go Out that helps to support kids with cancer and their families. You can learn more at: http://tswgo.org/

Run of Hope Total: $2,145

There is only one week left to contribute to this year's Run of Hope supporting Pediatric Brain Tumor Research

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Getting Back to Life

There is a reason I titled this blog "Getting Back to Life." When I was on treatment it was as if my life was on pause. When I was on "play" again so much had changed and I had to figure out life again.

Understandably, many people think that when a person finishes cancer treatment that cancer is over and the person goes right back to the person they were before cancer. After such a significant experience going back is simply not possible. For me, I was a much different person after treatment. I had allowed myself to open up and live my life for me instead of what I thought others expected of me.

The side effects of treatment also continue even after it's over, sometimes for your whole life. These are called late effects and some may not surface for months or even years after treatment.

My treatment caused me to have some difficulty with memory and spatial awareness. I also have several hormone deficiencies from the radiation to my brain. I have slight hearing loss from one of the chemo drugs as well. When treatment ended, I was also continuing to recover from my leg infection. My leg was very weak and had limited mobility. Almost every step was painful. I needed to use a walker or cane for many months and attended physical therapy at least twice a week for two years.

In fall 2010 I was very happy to be done with treatment and to be cancer free, but "getting back to life" was not easy at first, as you will see in the next few posts.

Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $1,985 
To contribute, please visit:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mother of Invention

Yankees game on my Make A Wish trip
It has taken me several months to get my story down on paper/screen. I started by writing each entry as they came to me, but I kept putting this one off. In fact, it is the very last entry I wrote while putting all these posts together.

The posts about people were the most challenging to write because I love all these people so much that it is hard to put into words how much they matter to me. But no one was more difficult to write about than my mom. It is very difficult to put into words what I want to say about her. She was there by my side the whole way and our relationship was strengthened and deepened by this experience.

Billy Joel/ Elton John concert
She was and is without a doubt my greatest supporter, cheerleader, teammate etc. I have said this about many people, but for Mom it’s different, there is truly no way I could make it through any of this without her by my side. She was there for everything; we went through it all together. She stayed with me every night that I spent in the hospital, sleeping on a very uncomfortable fold-out couch contraption. She was my best and most attentive nurse both at home and in the hospital. She always found a way to rig something up to make me more comfortable, from radiation burn treatment to the tricked out wheelchair set up she designed after my leg infection. (Hence the nickname “Mother of Invention”). She was always there to help pick me back up when I felt down or overwhelmed, which was quite often, especially when I was returning to school. She was one of my closest friends.

She was my everything.

Last appointment during treatment
I cannot express how grateful I am for everything she did and continues to do for me.

I love you, Mama (times infinity times a thousand J )!

Mischief managed,


Run of Hope Total: $1,985 
To contribute, please visit:

Friday, September 19, 2014

Gone to the Dogs

Some of my bright spots were furrier than others.
I’ve always been a dog person and lived with a dog in the house my whole life.  Needless to say some fury four-legged friends helped keep me smiling while I was on treatment.

#1 dog of course, was my best girl Polly.  I couldn’t always pet her (because of germs, etc.), but Polly was almost always at my side or watching me from across the room.  She had always  been good at reading the room to see who could use a little puppy love.  So it seemed that she knew that something was up with me. Polly was the greatest dog and the best friend a girl could have.  She even kept a party hat on for most of my 16th birthday party. 

When I was in the hospital for 11 days for my brain surgery and then again for 6 weeks with Nec Fasc, I really missed my Polly girl.  So it was always a joy to get visits from the wonderful therapy dogs that visited Children’s: Abe, Pie, Klada, Cole and Dresden are just a few that I met.



16th Birthday Party

Also, while I was in with Nec Fasc a friend of ours' Golden Retriever had a litter of puppies.  She had a webcam on so you could watch the little guys scurry around.  I can’t tell you how many hours Mom and I spent watching the puppies on my little net book.  We decided that if Tracy bred her female Cassie again, we would buy a puppy.

In June 2011, we came home with our own furry, yellow bundle of joy, Will.  (Well to be exact:  Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberly.  I named him)   We got pick of the litter.  He also happens to be the largest of any of Cassie’s litters. Since I already had my Polly, Will and Brandon became best buds.  

Will's first day home
Brandon's 90 lbs

Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $1,935 
To contribute, please visit:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Aunt Katie Lady

There are women in the world that I call, “cool-aunt-type-people” and I am lucky enough to have one in my life; my Auntie Katie. She is very fun to be around and just plain awesome. We have many common interests, especially books. Over the years we've have had many good talks about books and their movie adaptations. (Harry Potter is a favorite of ours.) We are very close, so of course Aunt Katie was a big part of my cancer support team.

When my mom called her to say I was in the hospital, she flew to Seattle from St. Louis two days later. One of the last things I remember being told before I went to the operating room for my brain surgery was that Aunt Katie was coming. She arrived during my eight hour surgery. Apparently her coming had a big impact on me because when I saw her after my surgery in the ICU the first thing I said was, "Thank you for coming." I proceeded to tell her this almost every time I saw her for the rest of her visit. She stayed for a week and took care of Dad and Brandon at home. She also came to the hospital to help mom take care of me or give mom a break to take care of things she needed to do away from the hospital.

Even when she was at home she still did things that made me smile. Aunt Katie frequently commented on my CaringBridge page and her posts always made me feel good.

When I was in the hospital for the necrotizing fasciitis infection, Aunt Katie came to Seattle for Easter. She cooked up some Easter dinner which she, Brandon and Dad brought to the hospital. I always enjoyed her visits. They really brightened up my time at the hospital.

Aunt Katie, forever the Sammy supporter, also came to Seattle from my high school graduation and for the 2012 Run of Hope.

I can't tell you just how incredibly awesome and amazing my Aunt Katie is and always has been.

Mischief managed,

P.S. I am also fortunate enough to have a “cool-uncle-type-person” for an uncle. Uncle Gary is always fun to be around. We have battled each other over many a board game and he is the best babysitter I ever had. Uncle Gary also posted often on my CaringBridge and his posts always made me smile.

I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life. I love you Aunt Katie and Uncle Gary!

Run of Hope Total: $1,935 
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It's the Little Things

To help write these blogs I have been reading through my CaringBridge posts and other writing I did during treatment and there is certainly a theme that runs through from beginning to end: the importance of positivity and gratitude for the little things. These values not only helped me get through my experience with cancer, they are the way I have always and continue to live my life.
There are several passages that I wrote previously that I think express these ideas really well.

October 29, 2009 –Brain Surgery Day
This I Believe Essay

“In the hospital it is easy to be taken over by negative thinking. But I think that is a waste of energy. Instead I am planning on suffocating cancer with laughter and smiles, smothering it with hope and positivity and the love and support of my family and friends. That’s not to say that I go around perpetually grinning. Sometimes it’s a struggle to stay positive. That’s when I think of all I have to be grateful for. Today, among other things, I am grateful for non-skid socks, visiting friends, and applesauce. It’s these rays of light that help me stay positive.”

I think positivity is often confused with happiness. To me positivity doesn’t mean being happy all the time. It means looking for the best in each situation even when the situation is rough. What helped me to keep a positive attitude was to look for the light spots in the dark. The small things that made me smile, laugh, or feel warm inside. Sometimes it was having a good nurse, getting a card for my grandma, graham crackers or a hug from my family or friends. By looking for and appreciating the little things I was able to see light in a dark place and look forward to the light at the end.

August 30, 2010 – Two weeks after completing treatment
CaringBridge Journal Entry

“I really like thinking about the little things that make me happy each day. They are almost better than the big things. I think it’s because they are unexpected. They sneak up on us and fill us from head to toe with joy.”

To me, maintaining a positive attitude is a cycle. By looking for the best in a situation, we notice the little things (so all you people doing the Facebook gratitude challenge, you are at the start of the cycle). When we appreciate the little things we are able to maintain a positive outlook. With a positive attitude it becomes easier to see the best in a situation and the cycle becomes a positive feedback loop (pun possibly intended  J )

and just being outside.
The little things on this day were swinging

Mischief Managed,

Run of Hope Total: $1,835 
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