Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Doc Loch

There were several people who were very important to me during (and beyond) treatment. I’d like to highlight some of these people in posts throughout this month.

I must start by saying that my brother, Brandon, is my very best friend. We are incredibly close and I can't imagine my life without him. This was especially true while I was on treatment. Brandon, at only 13 years old, was one of my very best caregivers. This role started during the summer after I had surgery on my foot. When treatment started, he made sure I got downstairs and was ready to go every morning before he went to school. (Slathering many a bagel with strawberry cream cheese.) He concocted the best 1000 calorie shakes around and did everything he could to help me.

At Children's for an appointment
If you know Brandon, you know that he is a scientific thinker. He earned himself the nickname Doc Loch within the first week that I was in the hospital. He always had incredibly thoughtful and intelligent questions for my neurosurgeon. When Dr. Ojemann (neurosurgeon) saw him in my room he made sure to ask if Brandon had any questions. The legend of Doc Loch quickly spread to the clinic where Brandon was treated like quite a celebrity when he came to appointments with me and mom over winter break (a list full of questions for my med team in hand.) While managing his schoolwork, Brandon also did his best to stay on top of my appointments, treatments and prescriptions, which he continues to do today.

Brandon visiting while I was in the hospital for 6 weeks.

When I was in the hospital for six weeks with necrotizing fasciitis Brandon and Dad’s nighttime and weekend visits always made me so happy. They often brought dinner, which was a great reprieve from the repetitive hospital food. On weekends we sat on the deck and talked and played board games.

In addition to being an amazing brother, Brandon is an amazing person. He is incredibly intelligent and interested in so many things. For example, he is currently teaching himself both Latin and Hebrew. He is also a very talented musician and artist. He taught himself how to play oboe and paint water colors. Most important, he is genuinely kind.

Now Brandon is starting his first year of college in Missouri at Lindenwood University studying biochemistry on a premed track. It is his goal to become a doctor and work in pediatrics.

I am so proud of you Brandon and I love you very much. I couldn't ask for a better brother.
Ectomorph hug!

Mischief managed,

La Soeur Sammy

Run of Hope Total: $1,585

To contribute, please visit:

If we raise $2,500  by September 15th my team name, Sammy's Blobslayers will appear on this year's Run of Hope shirt!  Thanks for your support!

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