Earlier this year I was honored to be named one of the 2011 National Spokeskids for Sunshine Kids. There are five of us who are representing the Sunshine Kids this year, four of us got to meet at the convention in San Diego. The other girl representing the foundation this year is a beautiful mid-western girl named Katie Lynch. We became fast friends and continue to communicate on a daily basis. Katie's fight with cancer is not yet over. Although she has been cancer free since November she is facing one more difficult round of treatment to ensure that her cancer never returns. On Thursday, Katie will be entering the hospital to undergo her second stem cell transplant. The first transplant which she received from her own cells did not finish the job and she suffered a relapse. This time she is receiving donor cells which are a ten point match. This is her best chance to stop lymphoma from reoccurring. She will be in the hospital at least five weeks because this is one of the harshest treatments out there. Her entire immune system will be wiped out prior to receiving the donor cells. She'll remain in the hospital until her immune system recovers.
Katie is a spunky, out going, fun 17 year old girl. I was with her for just three days in March and by the end it felt like we had been friends for years. She has a beautiful smile and infectious personality. Katie was recently voted prom queen at her high school and danced the night away with all of her friends. Last she week got to travel to L.A. with the Sunshine Kids and spent a few days having fun in the sun before her transplant. This special young lady has touched my heart and has been the friend I was searching for while I was in treatment, someone who understood what it felt like to be me. Katie is one of the strongest people I know but, she can't do this alone. Please send her your prayers and good thoughts in the coming weeks.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
Mischief Managed,

Katie was apart of my family and when she died I know she was going to a good place with God.I still know she is with me because she s in my heart all the time.